Friday, November 16, 2007

WGA Strike, A national emergency

War in Iraq? Old news. Lead laden toys from china? Big deal. Peak Oil? Puhleez! Global warming? Pffft.

What we really ought to be worried about is the Writers Guild Strike!!

Now, you may already be clicking the comments link to remind me about my rant about our much adored entertainment. Yeah, I know a bit ironic and hypocritical but I'm really starting to take this strike personally!

I don't think I'm prepared to start watching re-runs of Big Bang Theory and Chuck. Not to mention the inevitable delay of the return of Notes From The Underbelly.

I'm still enjoying my made-for-television story telling high from November sweeps week, and I don't think I'll be able to survive the long and arduous drought which lies ahead. Please, networks, give the writers what they want, and avert a potential national catastrophe! Well, maybe it's not that bad, but the recent crop of great shows has renewed my faith in entertaining television, I don't think I'm ready to go back!


Anonymous said...

I want The Office back!

RyanG said...

It's official, the first re-run of Big Bang Theory aired last night. I can already feel the shakes coming on. :-(